


NUMSA to return to work in the Bus Passenger Sector

Press Release

Following extensive consultation from regions in all nine provinces, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) has decided to end the strike in the Bus Passenger sector. Despite being the second biggest trade union in the sector we had to accept this sell out deal for the sake of industrial peace and stability in the sector, and we therefore urge all our members to return to work.

We want to inform Employers that it will take time for all our members to return to work. We expect that by Tuesday all our members should be back at work. We also want to remind the Employer that we will not tolerate any victimization of our members for their participation in the strike.

NUMSA will continue to pressurize the Department of Labour to do proper oversight in the bus passenger sector. The fact that our members, even under the new wage agreement will continue to be exposed to dangerously long hours without compensation is shameful.

We are inspired by our members who demonstrated great courage and determination during the course of the strike. They were also extremely disciplined. We salute you for fighting for a dignified life for yourself and your families. We call on all workers in the sector to unite behind NUMSA as we fight to transform the industry and restore dignity and equality to our members.

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