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The Electoral Commission confirms that the date of the 2024 general elections was proclaimed by the President and all the provincial Premiers on Friday, 23 February 2024. The proclamation of the election date has certain legal consequences for the electoral process. 

The first major implication is that the voters’ roll has now closed. This means no further voter registration may take place, either at a local office or online. Voter verifications as well as other validations are currently underway to ensure that there is compliance with the provisions of the law in respect of eligibility to vote. 

The second implication is that the Electoral Commission is enjoined to publish an Election Timetable following consultation with the National Political Liaison Committee. This political consultation was also conducted on 23 February 2024, paving the way for the publication of the timetable. Accordingly, the 2024 timetable was published on Saturday, 24 February 2024. 

The timetable is the motive force in the intensive preparations for the delivery of the 2024 general elections. The timetable outlines all the key cut-off-times and dates for the performance of salient electoral activities. The timetable contains crucial performance dates for election contestants as well as the broad voting public.  As regards the voting public, the focal point is accessing the voting process through special arrangements including dates for applications for special votes and notifications to vote outside of voting stations of registration. 

As it pertains to contestants, the timetable is equally crucial in that it contains key dates to be complied with relating to the nomination of candidates and the payment of prescribed deposits. 

To give further details of the timetable, the Electoral Commission brings the following important activities and cut-off dates to the attention of South Africans:

Voters’ Roll Activities

The provisional voters’ roll will be published for inspection today. An electronic version of the voters’ roll will be made available at all offices of the Commission for inspection purposes. Those who wish to object to the inclusion or exclusion of a voter on the voters’ roll must do so by 4 March 2024. The objections received on or before 4 March 2024 will be considered, investigated and determined by the Commission by 11 March 2024. 

It is important to remind role-players that objections to the voters’ roll are governed by the law. As such, both the procedural as well as the substantive requirements of Section 15 of the Electoral Act must be satisfied when lodging an objection. The pertinent aspects in this regard, include outlining the relief sought and establishing the basis for such relief as well as serving the objection on the person against whom the objection is raised. 

Following the determination of voters’ roll objections, the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) will certify the voters’ roll on 12 March 2024.  Electronic copies of the certified voters’ roll will be made available to contestants and a printed copy will be prepared for use in voting stations on Election Day.  

Candidate Nomination

This is a landmark election marking 30 years of electoral democracy, but it also introduces novel experiences for the voters such as a third ballot in National and Provincial Elections as well as the participation of independent candidates for the very first time. 

For purposes of candidate nomination, the Electoral Commission promotes the use of the online Candidate Nomination (CNS) platform. It is convenient and facilitates compliance with the requirements of the law as it provides a compliance dashboard for users. Furthermore, the online platform generates pro-forma invoices and a payment gateway for the payment of prescribed deposits. 

All independent candidates and political parties who intend to contest this general election must submit nomination requirements by 17:00 on 8 March 2024. The Electoral Commission will, after verifying the submitted nomination documents, issue notices on non-compliance where such are warranted. These notices will be issued on 18 March 2024 and those issued with such notices must rectify non-compliance by 20 March 2024.

In previous elections, there were candidates who were nominated by more than one political party.  The law now obliges the Electoral Commission to notify affected parties and offer them an opportunity to either remove the said candidate and substitute or confirm their continued candidature. These notifications will be issued on 22 March 2024 and political parties have until 25 March 2024 to submit requests for removal, substitution or confirmation of candidature.

Our electoral scheme acknowledges that it is a matter of immense national importance for the citizens to know who the nominated candidates are. The publication of the provisional lists of candidates goes to the heart of the vote based on informed choices. Therefore, the provisional lists of candidates will be published for inspection on 26 and 27 March. 

Interested parties may object against certain prospective candidates who are nominated. Such objections must be lodged with the Commission on 27 March 2024. The Commission will decide on these objections on 28 March 2024.  Any person or political party or entity that is not satisfied with decision of the Commission may approach the Electoral Court to appeal the objection decision. The Electoral Court’s appeals must be lodged by 02 April 2024. The Electoral Court will determine appeals relating to candidates on 9 April 2024.

With all compliance matters and objections relating to candidates resolved, the Electoral Commission will publish the final lists of candidates on 10 April 2024 and certificates of candidature will be issued to certified candidates on 12 April 2024. The conclusion of the candidate nomination process will set in motion the ballot paper printing project. 

Voting Stations 

The official list of the 23 292 voting stations to be used in these elections will be availed for inspection from 12 April 2024. This list will include the addresses of voting stations as well as the stopping times of the 33 mobile voting stations. The project of contracting these voting stations well advanced.

Special Votes In-country (South Africa)

The electoral scheme also provides a dispensation for voters in special circumstances. Those who are infirm and confined and, thus, unable to reach voting stations, must apply to be visited for a special vote at home.  On the other hand, those who will not be in their voting districts on 29 May 2024 may apply for a special vote to cast ballots ahead of Election Day. Both home visits and voting station based special votes will happen on two days, 27 and 28 May 2024. The applications for special votes will close on 3 May 2024.

Special Votes Out-of-country

Those who intend to vote outside of the country and who are registered on a specific country’s segment of the voters’ roll, do not have to give notice to the CEO that they will be voting in that country. The law assumes that they will be voting at the diplomatic mission of registration. 

Those registered elsewhere including locally registered voters who intend to vote at a particular diplomatic mission outside the country, must give notice to the CEO of their intention to vote in that country. The notice to vote out of country may be submitted as of today until 22 April 2024. An online notification facility (VEC10) is available on the Electoral Commission’s website.

Special voting at the diplomatic missions will happen either Friday, 17 May 2024, or Saturday, 18 May 2024.  The exact date for each diplomatic mission will be determined considering the host’s country dominant religious and cultural practices.

Voting outside of the Voting Station of Registration on Election Day

The Electoral Commission re-emphasises the general principle of election administration that voters must vote where they are registered. However, in the event a voter intends to be in a different voting district on voting day, such a voter must notify the Commission of their intended absence from their voting district and the voting station where they wish to cast the vote. A notification portal will soon be launched for this purpose. Notifications in this regard will close on 17 May 2024.

The Electoral Commission reiterates its willingness and ability to deliver this mammoth national project. The publication of the timetable and the cut-off-dates it entails serve as an impetus for the intensification of the preparations. All staff of the Electoral Commission stand ready to fulfil their tasks and thus ensure that it meets its constitutional duties pertaining to the 2024 general elections. 

This is our democracy, let’s own it.


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