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Gauteng 2019 budget factsheet



Total Gauteng Provincial Budget for 2019/20 fiscal year is R132.4 billion which grows to R150.3 billion in the outer year of the MTEF or 2021/22. This represents an 9% annualized growth rate over the MTEF.


National transfers in the form of the Provincial Equitable Share and Conditional Grants amount to R102 billion and R23 billion respectively. Provincial own revenue amounts to R 6.3 billion and represents 5% of total budget.




The Department of Economic Development has been allocated R1.6 billion to lead the drive for economic transformation and recovery. Key funded programmes are as follows:

  • R26 million for the upgrading of township hubs/industrial parks,
  • R18.2million to implement the Ekasi Lab programme which now includes the incubation of 80 township IT entrepreneurs
  • R5 million for the Pitching Booster that provides financial and non- financial support to township enterprises
  • R 75 million for the Conhill Visitors Centre,
  • R40 million for the BioPark Phase 3B infrastructure project at The Innovation Hub,
  • R40 million for the Superblock structure at the OR Tambo Industrial Development Zone,


To support young people make the difficult transition from school to the world of work, Gauteng has allocated over half a billion rand for youth development made up as follows:

  • R124 million for Tshepo One Million
  • R23.8 million to the Expanded Public Works Programme to create 7 000 work opportunities
  • R81.2 million for the National Youth Service programme which includes Zivuseni to create 7 000 work opportunities
  • R361 million to provide 6 500 bursaries, learnerships and scholarships to universities and TVET colleges;
  • R165million for government internships;
  • R15 million for the accelerated youth placement programme hosted by the Department of Economic Development
  • R45.6 million for the welfare to work programme which will help a further 46 160 women, inclusive of single mothers, to move from dependence on child care grants to sustainable self-supporting economic activity.


Agriculture and Rural Development is allocated R990 million. Key programmes receiving funding in this budget are:

  • R54.6 million for the Agro-processing, Agriparks and mainstream Urban Agriculture
  • R91.3 million for the farmer support and development programmes including fences, boreholes, piggeries, broilers, layers, fertilisers, pesticides, implements and seeds.
  • R32.4 million for the roll-out of the Community Vets Programme to provide veterinary support small and emerging producers;
  • R31.9 million for community, backyard and school food gardens.


e-Government will receive R1.4 billion, which include funding for the following programmes:

  • The Broadband network; and
  • The platform for common GCR e-Services that are required for the GCR connected government




The Department of Education’s total budget is R49.4 billion. Key allocations are:

  • 7 billion for direct transfers to Public Ordinary Schools, Early Childhood Development sites and Special Schools.
  • 9 billion for the special school sector which caters for learners with intellectual and other disabilities.
  • 3 billion to provide nearly 1.5 million learners with a hot meal at school every day;
  • R1 billion to transport learners who live more than 5 kilometers from the nearest school; and to provide specialized scholar transport to Learners with Special Education Needs (LSEN).
  • R815 million is allocated for e-learning devices and e-LTSM, which will continue to transform township schools into functional ICT-enabled learning spaces.
  • 6 billion for textbooks, stationery, school furniture and other learner support materials;
  • R56 million to improve the teaching of math and science
  • 4 million to improve the Grade-12 performance and to increase the bachelor pass rates.
  • 4 billion to employ more teachers to assist with the ongoing growth in learner numbers




Total of R33.7 billion is budgeted for infrastructure over the next three years and will be spent in the development corridors as follows:


  • The Southern corridor: R2.942 billion
  • The Western Corridor: R4.955 billion
  • The Eastern Corridor: R3.498 billion
  • The Central corridor: R7.044 billion
  • The Northern Corridor: R4.178 billion


Human Settlements will receive just over half the annual provincial infrastructure budget, an amount of R5.347 billion. The department will use these resources to:

  • Deliver 10,682 serviced sites, 21,718 housing units and 8,858 registered title deeds.


Roads and Transport will receive R1.797 billion in infrastructure money this year. This includes funding of the following key road projects:

  • (R114) Phase 3,
  • the construction of road K101 from Midrand to the N1, Brakfontein interchange and the upgrading of Beyers Naude to a double carriage-way between the R114 and the Peter Road intersection,
  • the K54 From Mamelodi (Tsamaya Rd) to R104 Bronkhospruit,
  • Upgrading the R558 to Bekkersdal and the rehabilitation of Road P175/1 from Vanderbijlpark to Potchefstroom Phase 2.


The implementation of road infrastructure in Emfuleni Local Municipality will continue as follows:

  • Vaal River City: Construction of new interchange and access roads on the R42 (Barrage Road) in Vereeniging
  • P156/3: Rehabilitation of Road P156/3 from P155/1 to D2568
  • BMS 3 – Designs for repairs and maintenance of bridges (Vereeniging Region)
  • Vereeniging region re-gravelling of roads.




The total budget for Health is R50.8 billion. Key allocations are as follows:

  • R30 billion is allocated to fund the personnel budget, which includes R346 million for employment of interns and R310 million for the absorption of Community Health Workers;
  • R17 billion to fund the goods and services this includes the carry through costs of R1.6 billion per annum commitment we made last year so that the Department can pay off its accruals;
  • R148 million for the Cuban Doctor programme;
  • R150.1 million is allocated over the MTEF for the Department to obtain a suitable office accommodation following the fire incident in the Bank of Lisbon building.
  • R300 million is made available through the Office of the Premier to compensate the families of mental health care users, who have been approved by the Master of the High Court, as a result of the Life Esidimeni Tragedy.




To promote clean and effective government, a total amount of R291 million is allocated as follows:

  • R23 million for integrity management in the Office of the Premier
  • R151million for Gauteng Audit Services and risk management
  • R47 million for Gauteng Forensic services; and
  • R47 million for the Premier’s Hotline


To support the Police Services, Community Safety has been allocated the following resources:

  • R50 million this year to improve Community Policing Forums, the Community Safety Forums, and street committees;
  • R69.3 million is allocated over three years to fight crimes against women and children.  We want to congratulate the Department of Community Safety for its efforts that resulted in a fifteen percent decrease in road the fatalities over the festive season. We allocate R129 million to enhance road safety through targeted law enforcement operations.





A total of R5.5 billion has been allocated to Department of Social Development to be used as follows:

  • R326 million for services for Gauteng’s aged which includes resourcing 26 Community based care facilities that provide support to 24 407 older persons;
  • R2.1 billion for services for children, of which R473 million is to fund new Early Childhood Development Centers with toys, libraries and play groups, minor renovations including ablution facilities, standardized meals for children in the poorest wards, and capacity building. This programme will benefit 330 103 children;
  • R154 million is allocated for services to people with disabilities which includes implementation of independent living programmes, and increasing income earning opportunities in protective workshops services;
  • R92 million to provide people from the poorest households with food parcels this year.
  • To support learners from families living in poverty R145 million is allocated for dignity packs and R161million for school uniforms this year.
  • R395 million is allocated to the fight against substance abuse and R23 million to the Isibindi programme to combat violence against women and girl children
  • To increase the number of social workers available in communities R86 million is added to the budget this year to employ 153 new social workers and R15 million for the placement of 350 social work interns.




To promote nation building and social cohesion, this Department is allocated R1.1 billion as follows:

  • R54 million to continue construction on seven (7) community libraries;
  • R17.9 million for the Premier’s Social Cohesion and holiday games;
  • R35 million for Bidding and Hosting competitive sport; and
  • R35 million for the celebration of our National Days



For media releases, speeches and news visit the Gauteng Provincial Government’s portal at www.gauteng.gov.za



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