


R thousandMedium-term estimates
Office of the Premier  714 423  707 970  718 469
Gauteng Provincial Legislature791064  811 549  828 108
Economic Development 1 561 763 1 512 983 1 482 217
Health 56 505 266 55 723 491 57 390 845
Education 53 458 053 54 618 171 57 692 145
Social Development 5 882 786 5 915 591 5 958 778
Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs  581 696  596 593  583 459
Human Settlements 5 912 132 6 113 790 6 368 108
Roads and Transport 8 680 417 8 943 048 9 311 050
Community Safety  962 280  995 657 1 036 403
Agriculture and Rural Development 1 016 225 1 022 419 1 067 930
Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation 1 066 393 1 068 821 1 082 018
e-Government 1 404 533 1 435 001 1 441 620
Gauteng Provincial Treasury  754 845  769 520  808 594
Infrastructure Development 3 260 931 3 243 662 3 205 610
Total provincial payments by Vote 142 552 806 143 478 266 148 975 354

The total provincial appropriation amounts to R142.6 billion in 2021/22 and it grows to R149 billion in 2023/24 after taking into account the fiscal consolidation measures, national transfers and the allocation of additional funding from the province.


  R thousandMedium-term Estimates
Health     2 161 698     2 269 589         1 996 532
Education     1 621 755     1 580 702         1 651 947
Social Development        149 480        155 305            160 740
Human Settlements     5 131 300     5 328 133         5 559 151
Roads and Transport     2 043 716     2 339 000         2 574 066
Agriculture and Rural Development          48 473          40 406              53 237
Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation          19 406          12 337              20 643
Infrastructure Development        190 281        126 470              66 699
Total   11 366 109   11 851 942       12 083 015

Total infrastructure allocations over the next three years amounts to R35.3 billion and these allocations are funded from conditional grants and provincial equitable share.  The combined allocations of Gauteng Department of Human Settlements, Gauteng Department of Education, Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport and Gauteng Department of Health account for 97 per cent of the total infrastructure allocation. 



  • R1.8 billion is allocated in 2021/22 for the Comprehensive Health Response to COVID-19 for the rollout of the vaccination programme at 330 sites, sustain filled posts created for the COVID-19 and fund nursing agencies.
  • R1.8 billion is allocated 2021/22 for the provision of primary health care (PHC) services rendered at community health clinics and centres (CHCs) and community-based services rendered at non-health facilities such as home-based care.  This amount accumulates to R5.7 billion over the MTEF.
  • R1.5 billion in 2021/22 and R4.8 billion over the 2021 MTEF is allocation to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) receive to improve emergency response times in urban and rural areas.
  • An amount of R452.1 million in 2021/22 accumulating to R1.4 billion over the 2021 MTEF is allocated to bursaries and training opportunities. The allocation is aimed at increasing the availability of nursing professionals, medical doctors and other health professionals.
  • R6.8 billion is allocated to implement health infrastructure projects.  These projects are the construction of new facilities and the rehabilitation, upgrade and maintenance of existing facilities including the COVID-19 facilities.


  • R1.3 billion in 2021/22 and R4.2 billion over the 2021 MTEF to expand Grade R to all public primary schools regardless of their socio-economic status. and private Grade R sites will be registered through the introduction of provincial regulations.
  • R240.1 million is allocated to interventions such as the Early Reading Strategy over the 2021 MTEF.
  • R735.7 million over the 2021 MTEF for National Integrated Assessment Framework for Grades 3, 6 and 9 which receives
  • R185.8 million in 2021/22 and R574.8 million over the 2021 MTEF for the Secondary School Intervention Programme to monitor the delivery of curriculum in underperforming schools and to establishing systems to ensure uniform delivery of the curriculum.
  • R1 billion in 2021/22 and R3 billion over the 2021 MTEF for Learner and Teacher Support Material to enable effective learning and teaching in the classroom, of which R2.1 million is for the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) learning resources

Social Development

  • R5.8 billion allocated in 2021/22 and R17.7 billion over the 2021 MTEF to tackle the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality in Gauteng.
  • R555 million is allocated for the school uniform project, R526.3 million for the Dignity Packs programme and R132.2 million for the food parcels to service poor households over the MTEF.
  • R705 million in 2021/22 and R2.1 billion over the 2021 MTEF is allocated to fund Child and Youth Care Centres (CYCCs) which provide services to children in need of care and protection placed in children’s homes, shelters and places of safety.
  • R165.5 million in 2021/22 and R558.6 million over the 2021 MTEF is allocated to the victim empowerment programmes to continue its work of preventing gender-based violence by working with perpetrators of violence and by empowering victims of violence to speak out.

Human Settlements

  • R213.7 million allocated the Rapid Land Release Programme (RLRP) over the MTEF.
  • R68.1 million in 2021/22 and accumulating to R145.6 million over the MTEF to providing security of tenure through the issuance of title deeds with
  • R1.1 billion in 2021/22 and R2.4 billion over the MTEF for improving and upgrading of informal settlements across the province.
  • R10 billion over the MTEF for provision of housing opportunities through Mega Housing Projects that is servicing of stands and housing opportunities with.
  • R159.9 million allocated for Hostel Redevelopment into family units
  • R52.4 million in 2021/22 and R112.7 million over the MTEF for Fast-tracking delivery on urban renewal projects and incomplete housing projects.

Gauteng Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

  • R30.1 million is made available in 2021/22 and R61.1 million over the MTEF Support to local government on skills, financial management, service provision, infrastructure building and maintenance of which.  
  • R18 million for enhancing Disaster Management, Fire and Rescue Services and Urban Management in 2021/22.
  • R31.4 million in 2021/22 accumulating to R65.8 million over the MTEF for Civic Awareness Campaigns and Voter Education Campaigns across all municipalities.
  • R13.3 million in 2021/22 and R27.9 million over the MTEF for supporting Community Development Workers through effective Ward Committee system for active citizen monitoring and oversight of delivery
  • R20 million for Ward Based Civic Education on COVID-19 Awareness.

Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport

  • R7 million for development and implementation of a Single e-Ticket for R30 million and Transport Management Centre.
  •  R17.5 million in2021/22 for construction of K217 road to support the proposed Rosslyn Autocity hub.
  • R64.4 million for taxi support over the MTEF.
  • R97.8 million over the MTEF for the Transport Authority of Gauteng to support transport integration across all spheres of Government.
  • R4 billion over the MTEF for maintenance of current transport infrastructure with.
  • R2.4 billion over the MTEF for investing in road infrastructure.

Gauteng Department of Community Safety

R32.9 million in 2021/22 and R112.6 million over the 2021 MTEF for strengthening police oversight which includes the monitoring of all 143 police stations.

An amount of R32.2 million in 2021/22 and R55.8 million over the 2021 MTEF is allocated towards establishing a Command Centre to enable efficient and effective policing.

R15.3 million in 2021/22 is set aside for the “O kae Molao’ campaign which will be implemented with other law enforcement agencies.

R 62.9 million in 2021/22 and R194.7 over the 2021 MTEF is allocated to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the Gauteng GBV response plan.

Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

  • R188.6 million in 2021/22 and R403.6 million over the MTEF to promote agricultural development for sector transformation, economic growth, and job creation and to expand the agro-processing sectors within Gauteng Province.
  • R116.9 million in 2020/21 and R223.6 million over the MTEF to promote urban and rural food production to secure food security for vulnerable communities and expanding the agriculture sectors.
  • R116.9 million in 2020/21 and R223.6 million over the MTEF for interventions supporting “Sustainable Development for Future Generations” including Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy; mitigation and adaptation efforts and ambient air quality.

Sport, Arts, Cultural and Recreation

  • R38.2 million in 2021/22 and R80 million over the 2021 MTEF is allocated to the Bidding and Hosting Strategy is allocated to enable the province to continue to bid for and host, national and international sport, arts and culture events.
  • R37.6 million in 2021/22 and R78.8 million over the 2021 MTEF to provide financial support to three heritage monuments, namely, the Women’s Living Heritage Monument, the Kagiso
  • Gauteng Department of e-Government
  • R1.4bn to roll out a high-speed broadband access to deprived areas over the next three years. 
  • R22.8 million for the upkeep and maintenance of the Design and Validation (DAV) Centre over the MTEF.   The Centre will test seven new e-services developed in 2020/21 to contribute towards making government services more accessible.

Provincial Treasury

  • R2.3 billion is allocated over the MTEF, of which R754.8 million is allocated in 2021/22 for the Gauteng Provincial Treasury to promote good governance and stewardship on all financial matters in the Province.

Infrastructure Development

  • 14 of the 32 GPG hospitals are targeted for upgrades to improve their compliance with the OHS Act over the 21/22 financial year.
  • 18 office accommodation facilities will be targeted to be OHS Act compliant.
  • R2 billion will be spent as follows: (80%) R1.9 billion on Black owned enterprises; with (30%) R636.9 million earmarked for Black Women owned enterprises; another R28.8 million (3%) on People with disabilities. Youth-owned enterprise will be to the tune of R332 million (20%), MV owned enterprise R17 million (1%), SMME R1.5bn (50%) and R567m (29%) to Township enterprise revitalization.

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