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As we mark Work Contraception Day this year, it’s time to tip our collective hats to the role of the condom in preventing unwanted pregnancy—and so much more. In fact, says Ndinatsei Mumbengegwi, Global Brands Product Manager at Population Services International (PSI), Trust Condoms Trust Condoms, we should see condom use within the context of creating a new generation of Good Men.

“Earlier this year on Valentine’s Day, Trust Condoms launched its Good Men campaign to celebrate the efforts men are making to become better versions of themselves, loving individuals who can be trusted,” she says. “Condoms offer an affordable, accessible way for men to take responsibility for birth control and also to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs).

“Condoms deserve a toast this Contraception Day.”

Unintended pregnancy is a major global problem: just about half of all pregnancies are unintended, according to the United Nations Population Fund. The figures are even worse in South Africa, where 65% of pregnancies are unwanted; our exceptionally high rate of teenage pregnancy, with one in four women under the age of 20 falling pregnant, is also cause for great concern.

“Clearly, this huge proportion of unwanted pregnancies, especially in our youthful population, which is already facing sky-high unemployment, is a huge personal issue. It’s a social one as well,” she points out. “Of all the various contraceptive alternatives out there, there isn’t one that is so fit for purpose as the trusty condom—condoms are readily available in supermarkets and free in many public conveniences, and are easy to carry on one’s person.”

Condoms have been in use for centuries, as far back as ancient Egypt and the Minoan civilisation of Crete although, of course, the familiar rubber and then latex versions date from the 19th Century and later. Early versions used the bladders of animals or even linen. Here’s why the condom remains the contraceptive device that you should never be without:

  • With you all the time. Condoms can be carried around easily in a wallet or purse. No sexually active man or woman should be without at least one—you never know when passion will strike! Today’s good men make sure they have a condom on them to protect themselves and their partner.
  • Affordable and reliable. Unlike other contraceptive devices, condoms are inexpensive. They are also reliable provided you wear them properly and use them for every sexual encounter. Trust condoms are rigorously tested to ensure that the afford protection you can rely on.
  • All-round protection. Condoms don’t just protect against unwanted pregnancies. The Romans used condoms primarily to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). It’s a sad fact that South Africa has a high rate of STIs, among them gonorrhoea, chlamydia and syphilis. Condoms have been shown to reduce the rates of transmission very significantly.

The same point is true regarding HIV/Aids. South Africa has the highest rate of HIV globally, according to the World Health Organisation, and condoms also prevent the transmission of this virus during sex.

When it comes to STIs, prevention really is better than cure.

  • No hormones, no implants. Condoms act as a simple barrier. Their big advantage is that there’s no need for any surgical or other intervention, and no hormones that you need to remember to take or that could cause unwanted side effects.
  • Fun, fun, fun. Condoms have come a long way. They’re no longer just a reliable way to prevent pregnancy or the spread of STIs. For example, alongside their Classic variant, Trust Condoms also offer scented, ribbed and studded variants, all in the name of adding a little spice to everybody’s sex life.

“We must never lose sight of the fact that sex is about making the ultimate connection, and sharing pleasure,” concludesNdinatsei Mumbengegwi “Condoms are the perfect way for Good Men to take care of their partners, but also a way to improve the whole experience.

“That’s the winning formula.”


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