Nie Cele
Mzansi’s most well known and decorated soccer player of his generation , Siphiwe Tshabalala, believes there is an abundance of untapped football talent that needs to be nurtured in the townships.
“And if toned accordingly the rest will be history as there will we sensational thriller maestros and well rounded players in the townships.”
Tshabalala was speaking to this publication on the sidelines during the finals of Redbull Kasi Cup tournament recently held at Alexandra Stadium.
Tshabalala, who is also the Redbull Kasi Cup tournament ambassador also heaped praise to this growing tournament which he said was getting bigger and better every year.

Pressed? To elaborate further, he said, “We need more tourneys of this magnitude. Because this one is growing in leaps and bounds.”
“ My wish is to see more teams participating. It’s a great platform for exposure for the upcoming players.

- Tshabalala is the founder of his foundation that handles and nurtures aspiring teenage footballers.
- Tshabalala’s moniker name is Shabba and Ntho tse Monate.
- He scored his iconic opening goal during the 2010 FIFA World Cup spectacle in South Africa.
- Shabba is managed by Proffesionalz Marketing and Management under the tutelage of Sandile (Nkunzi) Senoamadi.