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This was recently delivered by Gauteng Finance MEC, Jacob Mamabolo at the Gauteng Provincial Legislature.

The 2024 MTEF Budget addresses the priorities outlined in the State of the Province Address, and following resources, which are already in the baselines of GPG departments.

According to the World Bank’s report “The Economic Cost of Crime in South Africa” published last year, the high level of violent crime in our country consumes an estimated 10 per cent of our Gross Domestic Product amounting to R700 billion in 2023, comprising of stolen property, protection costs and opportunity cost.

In 2023, the estimated figure of R700 billion was nearly three times the amount government spent on healthcare and R600 million more than the entire budget of the South African Police Service. This has a negative impact on commercial activity and investment into the province.

That is why when delivering the State of the Province Address, Premier Lesufi said this government will continue to increase the budget substantially to fight crime.

Therefore, the Gauteng Department of Community Safety is allocated R2.3 billion in 2024/25 and R7.2 billion over the 2024 MTEF to bolster law enforcement capabilities such as the Crime Prevention Wardens, helicopters and drones to take crime fighting into the skies, Provincial Integrated Command Centre, community policing initiatives, fighting Gender-Based Violence and crimes against children through the GBV Response Plan, as well as crime prevention programmes aimed at fostering safer communities.

In this regard, let me take this opportunity Madam Speaker to congratulate and welcome the new Gauteng Police Commissioner, Lieutenant-General Tommy Mthombeni, who officially took up this position on the 1st of March. As the provincial government, we look forward to working with Lieutenant-General Mthombeni to increase crime fighting efforts, particularly in TISH areas, and stamp out lawlessness and vandalism in Gauteng.

Honourable Members, Premier Lesufi said the “township economy is our new gold” to drive economic development and job creation in the province.

In the 2024/25 financial year, we are giving R1.7 billion to the Gauteng Department of Economic Development, and R5.3 billion over the 2024 MTEF to specifically address, amongst others, job creation initiatives as well as revitalising the landscape of our township economy including industrial parks and transform Gauteng into a single, multi-tiered mega special economic zones to attract investment, attract tourism, including through the #VisitGauteng – Zwakala brand communications campaign and bolster business activity for the net benefit of our residents.

In addition, the Nasi iSpani Mass Recruitment Programme, which was launched by the Premier in June last year will continue to facilitate access to job openings for the youth within departments and their entities and enhance service delivery.

In the 2024/25 financial year, this will be done through initiatives such as the Green Army,Sawubona Mhlali and Civic Ambassadors, which have been funded by internal reprioritisation in respective departments.

Enhancing Education, Health and Wellness and provision of Social Services to improve the overall quality of life for residents of Gauteng are at the heart of our functions as a provincial government, and account for 83 per cent of the 2024 MTEF budget that I table today.

Therefore, the Gauteng Department of Education receivesR65.8 billion in 2024/25 and a total of R205.9 billion over the 2024 MTEF to expand access, quality education, and skills development opportunities to empower individuals, enhance workforce readiness, and drive socio-economic progress.

The allocation to the department includes R8.6 billion and nearly R24.7 billion to implement a number of interventions – School Nutrition, Scholar Transport, Psycho-social support for inclusive education, Learning and Teaching Support Material (LTSM), Schools of Specialisation, expansion of universal access to Grade R, Public and Independent School Subsidies, Norms and Standards.

Madam Speaker, navigating the complexities within our healthcare system and striving for excellence in enhancing the well-being of our residents necessitates a steadfast commitment to prioritising Health and Wellness.

We are therefore allocating a total of R64.8 billion in 2024/25 and R202.7 billion over the MTEF to the Gauteng Department of Health to implement health and wellness interventions particularly in townships, informal settlements, and hostels.

A total of R14.2 billion has been allocated in the 2024/25 financial year and R43.4 billion over the 2024 MTEF towards, amongst others, broadening access to quality public healthcare, Primary Health Care re-engineering, extension of 24-hour services at Community Health Centres and reduction of radiation oncology backlog in facilities.

We are fully aware of the challenges faced by young unemployed doctors. We would like to assure doctors that this matter is receiving full attention. In this regard, we will be working with the Department of Health to ensure that this matter is addressed. The MEC of Health and Wellness will provide updates on this issue from time to time.

Madam Speaker, addressing homelessness and supporting vulnerable populations is a humanitarian imperative.

The Gauteng Department of Social Development is allocated R5.4 billion in 2024/25 and a total of R16.9 billion over the MTEF to implement broad initiatives related to addressing societal problems including providing funding for shelter programmes, social services, and housing support initiatives to assist vulnerable populations and combat homelessness.

In addition, this department is allocated R190.6 million and R588.2 million over the MTEF towards treatment centres in Randfontein, Witpoortjie and Sedibeng, as well as the overall Drug and Substance Abuse programme.  

Honourable Members, Premier Lesufi emphasised during SOPA government’s unwavering commitment to improve the living conditions of our people in townships and informal settlements.

Madam Speaker, a total of R5.8 billion in 2024/25 and R16.9 billion over the MTEF is allocated to Gauteng Department of Human Settlements to provide, amongst other things, housing enhancements and infrastructure advancements through the Human Settlements Development Grant (HSDG), Rapid Land Release Programme and Urban Renewal Programme, demonstrating our strong resolve to improve living conditions in the townships, informal settlements and hostels.

When we talk about Strengthening the Capacity of the State, Honourable Members, it means enhancing the capabilities and effectiveness of our GPG departments and entities to streamline the delivery of services within a framework of good governance.

In the 2024 SOPA, the Honourable Premier reiterated the need to promote transparency and accountability within GPG departments, as well as commitment to responsible financial management and ethical governance. The Office of the Premier, which is responsible for, amongst others, provincial forensic audits and integrity management, has been allocated R61.3 million in 2024/25 and R189.3 million over the 2024 MTEF for this purpose.

Honourable Members, we are proud of our diversity as a province, and indeed, the motto “Unity In Diversity” embraces the melting pot of South Africa’s cultures. Accordingly, the promotion of social cohesion, diversity, and community involvement through sports and arts endeavours is a fundamental goal that we always strive to achieve.

Therefore, we are making an allocation of R1 billion in 2024/25 and R3.3 billion over the 2024 MTEF to the Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation for cultural programmes, sports development, and arts projects that promote social cohesion, celebration of diversity, and fostering community engagement.

Turning now to Eradicating Hunger and Food Security – Honourable Members, GPG remains focused on implementing programmes that provide access to nutritious food, support local agriculture, and address food insecurity among vulnerable populations, as a way of alleviating hunger, improving nutrition, and enhancing food sustainability in the province.

This is seen in the 2024/25 allocation of R1 billion and R3.3 billion over the 2024 MTEF to the Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, to fund agri-parks and milling plants, as well as agro-processing and the mainstreaming of urban agriculture.

I must emphasise that these funds are in addition to the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme (CASP), Ilima/Letsema and Land Care Conditional Grants, of which the department receives R141.5 million, R155.3 million and R163.5 million for each respective year of the 2024 MTEF. 

Honourable Members, in the 2023 Budget Speech, I highlighted the threat to our economic recovery and any potential future growth that the energy supply challenge posed over the short and medium-term.

The Gauteng Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs has been allocated R1 billion in 2024/25 and R2.3 billion over the MTEF to enhance the existing raft of initiatives outlined in the SOPA including those focused on the energy crisis response plan in collaboration with the national energy committee, local government and energy experts.

As Premier Lesufi said, we are ready intervene to provide services to our communities. In this regard GPG is, through various legal instruments, such as section 154 of the Constitution, endowed with statutory powers to monitor and support municipalities, and equally to intervene in instances where municipalities are failing to fulfil their constitutional obligations. The provincial government will do so within the spirit of co-operative governance and importantly, within the confines of the Constitution. The areas of focus will be the provision of water and refuse removal as these are the basic services that affect communities.

Madam Speaker, in the 2023 Budget Speech I announced that the Gauteng Infrastructure Financing Agency has issued a Request for Proposals notice to the market for the development of a Merafong Solar Farm.

We are pleased that the Sibanye-Stillwater Board has approved the allocation of land leases to six Independent Power Producers (IPPs). The signing by the IPPs will be completed by end of March 2024, triggering the permitting processes within the next 12 months. Gauteng government is facilitating municipal offtake of the 800MW which will contribute to bringing construction timelines closer.

Madam Speaker, Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport receives a total of R9.4 billion in 2024/25 and R28.1 billion over the 2024 MTEF.  The department will utilise these resources to, amongst other things, focus on the completion of infrastructure projects and launch new number plates that include the track and trace system. A total of R4.2 billion is made available from the National Department of Transport via conditional grants for Provincial Roads Maintenance Grant, Public Transport Operations Grant, and EPWP Integrated Grant, which over the MTEF amounts to R12.1 billion.

The Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development is allocated R3.2 billion in 2024/25 and R10 billion over the MTEF to, amongst other things, provide quality maintenance services for the assets within its custodianship. The department intends to reduce youth unemployment through various job creation interventions such as the National Youth Service Programme which receives R104 million in 2024/25 and R301 million over the MTEF, while the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) receives R171 million in 2024/25 to create 4500 work opportunities.

Gauteng Department of e-Government is allocated R1.7 billion in 2024/25, which accumulates to R5.1 billion over the MTEF, to work towards modernising the provincial ICT infrastructure and government services. An additional R50 million within the budget of the department has been allocated in 2024/25 and R73.7 million over the 2024 MTEF towards the expansion of WiFi hotspots in all townships, Furthermore, there is a R50 million allocation in 2024/25 and R111.4 million over the 2024 MTEF within the budget that is dedicated towards the installation of CCTV cameras to monitor crime hotspots within the TISH areas.  An allocation of R10 million has been made available to rollout the e-Panic buttons in line with Premier Lesufi’s commitments.

Gauteng Provincial Treasury receives R817 million in 2024/25, and R2.6 billion over the MTEF to lead provincial departments towards fiscal prudence and good governance in the delivery of services to Gauteng citizens. The process that the department is engaged in to establish the state owned Pharmaceutical Company is progressing as planned, with an independent Advisory Panel appointed to advise the MEC on the creation of this entity. We have noted the developments at national to establish a state-owned bank. We will work with the national state-owned bank to ensure that it addresses the needs of people in Gauteng including township entrepreneurs.

Madam Speaker, Gauteng Provincial Legislature is allocated R844.9 million in 2024/25 and R2.6 billion over the MTEF to propel confidence in democracy and improve the quality of life of Gauteng’s citizens. This total budget includes R122.2 million allocated in 2024/25 for funding political parties and constituency support. This is to support political parties represented in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature to fulfil their role as public representatives.

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