


The City of Joburg is a leading metropolitan that boasts award winning architectural designs such as the Mandela Bridge. This year Joburg hopes to add Westbury Clinic and Esselen Street Clinic to its list of accolades.


Westbury Clinic and Esselen Street Clinic have been short listed as finalists for the World Architecture Festival (WAF) awards through Ntsika Architects. Westbury Clinic is a finalist in the ‘Health- Completed Buildings’ category and Esselen Street Clinic is a finalist in the ‘New and Old- Completed Buildings’ category.


Westbury clinic is a R33 million  state of the art health facility that services more than 55 000 people. The clinic has a server room that allows the clinic to access patient information electronically. Esselen Street clinic cost R31, 9 million, it boasts a back-up generator and water conservation tank that ensures that the clinic is always operational.


Both clinics offer the following services to the community:

·         Promoting health living lifestyles

·         Emergency Services

·         Reproductive Health Services

·         Antenatal and Postnatal services

·         Women Health Services

·         Adolescence and Youth Friendly Services

·         Child Health Services (including immunization)

·         HIV, AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections and Tuberculosis (HAST) Comprehensive Care Management and Treatment

·         Social Work Services (Referral)

·         Management of Acute illnesses

·         Management of Chronic Conditions

·         Health promotion

·         Mental Health Services (Secondary Care)

·         Rehabilitation Services (Referral)



The WAF awards are the world’s largest global architectural awards programme and has more than 2000 international attendees. The awards are a great opportunity for the City of Joburg to gain international recognition and cement itself as a leading metropolitan. Please click on the link below to see images of buildings that are nominated for the World Architecture Festival awards.






The City of Joburg is also proud to announce that Westbury Clinic and Esselen Street Clinic  have been shortlisted as finalists for the Gauteng Institute for Architecture (GIfA) awards. This year GIfA received a record number of nominations and the two City clinics are one of only three projects from South Africa that have been shortlisted.


GIfA is a voluntary association for architects and is associated to the South African Institute of Architects and endorsed by the South African Council for the Architectural Profession.





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Nie Cele


Nie Cele


Nie Cele

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