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Ntanjane, e-Gov executives and guest speakers came together in Parktown, Johannesburg, to discuss these pivotal issues and promote equality in different work units.

Among the 8 principles is transformation for non-sexism. This principle aims to promote and protect the dignity and rights of women and persons with disabilities. Another principle is creating a policy environment through which departmental and sector- specific wellness and standard operating procedures will be upheld. It is as equally important to recognise that women’s full participation and decision-making is met by employing 50% women at all levels of senior management. The participation of females requires an enabled environment that accommodates Gender Management Systems, adequate institutional mechanisms, and dedicated Gender Units. As In 2007, the Minister for Public Service and Administration launched the Head of Department’s 8-Principle Action Plan for fostering women empowerment and gender equality to speed up initiatives toward women’s advancement and gender transformation in government. The 8-Principle Action Plan was formalised for execution in the public sector. All government departments are expected to include these concepts into their planning and execution.

On 23 October 2023, the Department of e-Government held a workshop regarding matters of gender and disability that concern its employees. The Deputy Director General, Ms Phelokazi it is known, change management occurs when resources are made available, being human, physical, and financial resources. This becomes an important principle as it makes gender and disability inclusion a reality. Lastly, it is paramount to carry out monitoring and evaluation as a means of ensuring that the 8-Principle Action Plan is adhered to by the department.

Advocate Molly Malete, a facilitator for the 8-Principle Action Plan, had the following to say at the workshop, “We need to take our responsibilities seriously in order to implement gender and disability mainstreaming. Different units within the Department of e-Government need to be aware of their roles and responsibilities concerning women and persons with disabilities. Finally, DDG Phelokazi Ntanjane emphasised that senior management need to be activists of the 8-Principle Action Plan agenda. She continued to say that women are important role players in the economy and the sustaining of homes.

Overall, the 8-Principle Action Plan gives executives an opportunity to review the progress they have made in implementing these principles. This enables the department to assess its perspective on the needs of females, males, the LGBTQIA+, and persons with disabilities in the department. In so doing, measuring tools are brought into play to analyse any differences regarding the representation of all genders and persons with disabilities in the department’s activities and programs and be able to tell the outcome.


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