
SPAR teams up with Good Things Guy to help feed the nation

#SPARdonate: Instead of eating raw eggs, donate to those in need at your nearest SPAR today

Johannesburg, 16 April 2020 – SPAR’s culture of community and sharing is the driving force behind a powerful initiative to feed hungry and vulnerable people during the extended Covid-19 lockdown period.

While the #EggChallenge of eating a raw egg, followed by a mouthful of sugar and then ending it off with a shot of brandy or rum is gaining popularity online as people become increasingly bored, Good Things Guy and SPAR have teamed up to turn this on its head.

“SPAR Group has come on board to assist me with my #EggChallenge nomination by placing a shopping cart outside of every SPAR store for you to #SPARdonate. This entails  donating a six-pack of eggs, 1 kilogram of maize and 1 litre of milk to the most vulnerable of South Africans,” says Good Things Guy founder, Brent Lindeque.

SPAR is placing shopping carts outside all of its stores for people to make these donations and encourage all South Africans to take part.

“Instead of eating raw eggs, let’s give a homeless man or poor child a meal and nominate friends to do the same,” says Lindeque.

To drive the reach and impact of this initiative even further, SPAR will also donate R1 for every time someone uses or shares the #SPARdonate to the SPAR Southern Lodestar foundation feeding scheme, which has a proven history of feeding, nurturing and growing communities through knowledge and nutrition.

“Right now, there are millions of South Africans who are going to bed hungry, but we have the ability to help. Let’s do good together and help feed the nation rather than sucking eggs,” concludes Lindeque.

Info supplied.

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